Visites sandwichs, l'histoire à la loupe ! / Episode 3
Guided tours

Visites sandwichs, l'histoire à la loupe ! / Episode 3


In 45 minutes on your lunch break, sandwich in hand, try out a different flavor of the city. Find the detail you've never noticed, or the one you've never looked up before. Here and there, pick up a few delicacies, anecdotes and tidbits of history: the B side of Burgundian life in centuries gone by. The menu isn't meant to be complete; you'll simply be able to pick and choose. A treat to be savored without moderation. Reservations required (places are limited).

Visites sandwichs, l'histoire à la loupe ! / Episode 3
Cour de la médiathèque Albert Camus
Rue Lalande
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 5€
  • Base rate : 5€
Visites sandwichs, l'histoire à la loupe ! / Episode 3

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