VOIX D'ENCRE, choir and orchestra concert

VOIX D'ENCRE, choir and orchestra concert


A musical work commissioned by Dole's Le Tourdion vocal ensemble from composer Erwan Chandon.
A tribute to the three Jura writers Marcel Aymé, Bernard Clavel and André Besson. Based on texts by Dole-based author Annie Abriel, the work takes listeners on a journey through the world of these three Jura figures. Five universal themes are set to music: childhood, nature, work, peace and infinity.
40 choristers and 20 instrumentalists.
<directed by Florence Grandclément

VOIX D'ENCRE, choir and orchestra concert
église Saint-Jean
Place Jean XXIII
39100 DOLE
Prices & Schedules

Sunday 17 November 2024 at 5.30pm

  • Base rate (entrance fee) : 15€
  • Reduced rate : 8€

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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