Yoga Walking Meditation & Ayurveda
Course / Workshop

Yoga Walking Meditation & Ayurveda



Born a few kilometres from Morteau, I have pursued the path of teaching as a primary school teacher, alongside dance, singing and yoga, yoga therapy, ayurveda, and am trained in communication and human relations. All these paths come together to achieve the same goal: a better understanding of ourselves and of others.

As a yoga and yoga therapy teacher for 34 years, a student of Bernard Bouanchaud and Dr Chandrasekaran at the Desikachar school in Chennai (India), and a keen hiker, particularly in the Monts du Jura, which I've been exploring since I could walk, I've discovered the pleasure not only of physical effort but also of contemplating the beauty of nature and meditating in silence.

We'll be able to share these passions in an authentic environment that's conducive to contemplation, looking inwards and connecting with others.

We live in a world where the distance between Nature and human beings is growing ever greater, and climatic events are a terrible reminder of this. And yet, when we plunge back into the heart of a forest, walk alongside a stream, bounce off a waterfall, we realise that we are linked, that we are once again in harmony. The sap circulates, the heart opens, the lightness of being.
During yoga sessions, we set the body in motion through postures and breathing. The breath becomes the force of life, the inner energy. We overcome our restlessness and suffering, which blow away with the autumn wind. Preparing your body and being aware of your breath will help you get the most out of your walk. Contemplating the great beech trees of the Jura will help us to re-energise. Taking conscious steps and letting go will open us up to our inner silence. These moments will be deepened by meditations by the waterfall or in the vineyards, where our whole being will be mobilised...
In this way, we'll connect with the age-old principles of Ayurveda (the Indian science of life), which we'll discover in practical ways through workshops and also by cooking together, simply and with pleasure! (yes, yes!)

It's a fun, gentle way to get to know yourself and others. [Re]finding your balance!


Accommodation :
Stopover gîte in the heart of the Jura village, with private garden and park.

Meals :
Meals are prepared in common.

Prices :
- Accommodation: €171.00 per person
For more information, please visit the Re-source Jura website.
- Meals: approximately €60.00/person
- Teaching: €200.00
- Workshops or visits at extra cost.

Vegetarian meals preferred
Accommodation: Rooms for 2 or 3 people + 1 double room.
Kitchen and bathroom facilities in a large house.
Yoga, walking, meditation suitable for everyone
based on the principles of ayurveda.
The Tufs waterfall is a 30-minute walk away.

Yoga Walking Meditation & Ayurveda
Re-Sources Jura
5B Rue du Moulin
Prices & Schedules

From 03/10/24 to 06/10/24

From Thursday 3 at 9.30am to Sunday 6 October at 4pm

  • Base rate : 200€
Yoga Walking Meditation & Ayurveda

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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