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A bucolic route to discover the magnificent setting of the Moulin and the source of the Doue, in the heart of a natural cirque bordering the Swiss border. On the way back, take in the scenery and make your way across the fields to Glay.
The Doue stream joins the Creuse at Glay to form the Gland, a tributary of the Doubs. The Doue rises from the limestone rocks at the "end of the world", like a typical Jura retreat. As far back as the 13th century, people harnessed the power of its current to turn wheels that powered mills, oil mills and paper mills. Now owned by the Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, the site is promoted by the Association du Moulin de la Doue.
The route is waymarked and maintained by the Hérimoncourtoise Hiking Association and by the Doubs Departmental Committee of the FFRandonnée for the GR5©.