Viewpoint and sound site
Situated on the opposite slope to the Roche au Dade, the Roche brûlée also overlooks the town of Morez.
Behind you, the Risoux forest begins, extending as far as the Mont d'Or.
The viewpoint here is reversed in relation to the Roche au Dade, but the main features of the landscape remain the same: vast wooded areas linked to the relief, a strong presence of the town and a virtual absence of agricultural landscapes...
Sound site: place your hands behind your ears and listen to the sounds of the valley.
Accessible by car from Trélarce.
From this site, discover :
Morez and the valley,
The northern part of the viaducts of the Hirondelles line,
Entrance to the Bienne gorges
Beginning of the Risoux forest
Noise (rumour of the town, of the Bienne...)