The Hollow Rock

The Hollow Rock


With your back to the Bois d'Amont tourist office, follow the road to the left until you reach the Route du Vivier. At the crossroads, follow the road to the right up towards the Risoux Forest, then at the crossroads of the Route du Risoux, go up to the left following the directions for Les Combettes and Le Crêtet simultaneously.

At the Crêtet, take the path that goes up on the left and enters the forest. A nice path in the undergrowth leads you to the crossroads of the Roche du Creux. Turn right to take the path that leads to the viewpoint of the Roche du Creux, called Roche Brixenche in Switzerland.

The Roche du Creux offers an unmissable view of the Orbe valley. Be careful, stay away from the cliff, which is not safe. Take the time to observe the border marker which marks your passage into Switzerland, as well as the border wall built in the valley which extends behind you into the Risoux. Carefully continue along the path that follows the ridge line and then descends into the valley in the direction of Pré Rodet.

At the Pré-Rodet place, follow on the right the itinerary that goes back towards France. On your left you can see the meandering river Orbe. In winter, the famous Transjurassienne cross-country ski race uses part of this path. The route climbs slightly to the right and runs along the foothills of the Risoux.

After passing the border wall, return to the tarmac road at Le Creux. Follow the road a few steps to the left towards the Route du Risoux. The route then returns to the Route du Vivier crossroads and the Bois d'Amont Tourist Office.

Departure BOIS-D'AMONT
  • 330 m
  • 9 Km
  • Mean level

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