A pain de Loup

A pain de Loup


A pain de Loup invites you to discover its range of vegan (animal-free) viennoiseries and cookies, its nutritious & tasty cereal bars... its gingerbread with chestnut honey, its dry cookies "Les Biscottis", Sablézains and cheese crackers made with Moulin Marion gaudes flour.

A column of bread racks means you can pick up your bread at any time, since the store is only open in the afternoons. To guarantee that every customer gets their bread at the same time as the shop is open, to optimize quantities and avoid unsold products, we have set up a simple and efficient online reservation and subscription system.

A pain de Loup
Route des Ecassaz
01300 BELLEY
  • French
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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