Le Faramand Perecotte

Le Faramand Perecotte


The Faramand Perecotte restaurant welcomes you warmly in a friendly and family atmosphere.
With a unique menu on offer, this authentic and traditional local cuisine is composed from fresh regional products. You will have the pleasure of tasting: morel crust, trout fillet, Faramand comtois beef carbonade... The dishes are as generous as the staff who welcome you.
Some Friday evening parties are organised: theme evenings, home-made mussels and chips, island parties.

Le Faramand Perecotte
40 Place Faramand
39600 ARBOIS
  • English
  • Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Titres repas (tickets restaurant…)
  • Pets welcome
  • Traditional cuisine
  • French regional
  • Franche-Comté Specialities
  • Brasserie
  • Terrace
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/06/2024 to 01/12/2025 of 11:45 to 14:00 - of 19:15 to 21:15.
Closed on : Saturday, Wednesday evening, Friday evening

Restaurant open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 11.45am to 2pm and from 7.15pm to 9.15pm.
Open on Wednesday and Friday from 9.15am to 2pm.

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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