Le Saint-Augustin

Le Saint-Augustin


The restaurant welcomes you in a contemporary and cosy setting within one of the city's historic buildings, the Augustins convent (1438).

The chef offers creative cuisine using fresh, local and seasonal produce, prepared with care and respect. He revisits some traditional recipes and offers some surprising presentations!

The menu changes every month.

Specialities: specialities from Alsace and Lorraine ("Nos racines" menus), beetroot and fresh goat's cheese bavarois, mushroom crème brulée, veal medaillon with cider, after eight-style dôme, Jura specialities, homemade ice creams and low-temperature cooking of meats...

Hike basket available to order (24-hour lead time)

Master restorer since 2024.

Le Saint-Augustin
23 rue de Bresse
  • French, German, English, Spanish
  • Credit card, Cash
  • Pets welcome
  • Gastronomic cuisine
  • Traditional cuisine
  • French regional
  • Franche-Comté Specialities
  • Gastronomic restaurant
  • Terrace
  • Take away meals
  • Wireless service
Chains and Labels
Logis de France
Vignobles et découvertes
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Tuesday to Friday lunch and dinner.
Monday and Saturday evenings only.
From May to September, also open for lunch on Saturdays and terrace dining available.

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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