O en bouche
Caterers & Banqueters

O en bouche


Discover Ô en bouche, your exceptional event caterer in the Pays de Gex. We create events around the pleasures of the table with a colorful cuisine, respectful of fresh and seasonal products.

Enhance your receptions with our table art and our high-end equipment for rent. Whether for unique festive occasions or professional meetings, our services are fully personalized through in-depth exchanges to accurately assess your expectations.

Our services include:

- Delivery of food directly to your event venue
- Full services with a dedicated team in the kitchen and dining room
- Turnkey solutions, including service, toppings, decorations, dishes and drinks

Choose from our meat, fish or vegetarian formulas, designed to satisfy all desires.

O en bouche
10 rue chardenie
01170 GEX
  • French
  • American Express, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Bank transfers
Prices & Schedules Opening :

O en bouche
O en bouche

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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