Restaurant - Buffalo Grill

Restaurant - Buffalo Grill


A warm and friendly welcome, a relaxed atmosphere, attentive service, everything is brought together to ensure that you have a good time over a good meal. Make a stop in the Great West!
Far West specialities: buffalo steak, chili con carne, burger, chicken, fish.
We like: the steak house atmosphere.

Restaurant - Buffalo Grill
8 rue Mervil
  • French, German, English
  • Credit card, Holiday vouchers, Currencies, Cash, Titres repas (tickets restaurant…)
  • Pets welcome
  • North American cuisine
  • Traditional cuisine
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Grill restaurant
  • Children's games
  • Private car park
  • Terrace
  • Take away meals
  • Wireless service
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Open every day non-stop from 11am to 10pm (11pm on Fridays and Saturdays)

Prices :
  • Adult set menu : 10€ - 24.5€
  • Child menu : 6€
Restaurant - Buffalo Grill
Restaurant - Buffalo Grill

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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