Restaurant L'Embarcadère

Restaurant L'Embarcadère


With its magnificent views over Lake Nantua and beautiful decor the Embarcadère is a great place to dine out. Regional specialities and local produce of real quality hold pride of place here and combine to make such marvellous dishes as ‘quenelle de brochet en sauce Nantua’, freshwater crayfish fricassee, Bressan chicken, Dombes duckling or tasty grilled fish. Or why not try the chef’s marvellous signature dish of lobster and crayfish. Together with the selection of local Bugey and Jura wines as well as a selection of the finest crus from all over France a meal at the Embarcadère is a real culinary pleasure.

Restaurant L'Embarcadère
13 avenue du Lac
01130 NANTUA
  • French, English
  • Hearing handicap, Mental handicap, Motor handicap, Sight handicap
  • Credit card, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Bank transfers
  • Pets welcome
  • Gastronomic cuisine
  • Bar
  • Garden
  • Private car park
  • Wireless service
Guides & ratings
  • Bottin Gourmand
  • Champerard
  • Le Routard French hotels and restaurants
  • Restaurateurs de France
Chains and Labels
Hearing handicap
Mental handicap
Motor handicap
Sight handicap
Logis de France
Qualité Tourisme
Restaurateurs de France
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 13/01/2025 to 20/12/2025

Prices :

    Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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