Le Rucher des Nymphes
My farm has existed since 1996: its strength lies in breeding.
My bees have thirty locations between the plains of Bresse and the mountains of Revermont and Jura. They take advantage of the floral biodiversity (flowers, fir trees, local forest species, acacias and lavender) to produce tasty honey.
The transhumance of my 300 hives allows me to benefit from areas with a high density of plant species. Each hive is composed of a queen and her workers: they can forage up to 1 km around their hive.
A reasoning of the cultural practices of the farmers on the territory allows to protect our environment and to maintain the ecosystem of the bees. I am actively engaged in a reflection towards a sustainable agriculture in connection with the CETA of Ain (center of agricultural technical studies).
- French
- Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Bank transfers
- Pets welcome
- Bee products