Le Rucher du Castor
Local produce

Le Rucher du Castor


Cédric DRUET is a professional beekeeper, and founded the Rucher du Castor in 2012 after having been an amateur beekeeper. With 350 hives, he offers a wide range of honeys: creamy, acacia, lime, dandelion, flower, forest and fir. But also gingerbread and homemade sweets. His products can be found in a number of local producers' shops.

Le Rucher du Castor
6B Rue de Bournois
25250 SOYE
  • French
Product type
  • Bee products
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

Products to be found in local producers' shops

Prices :
  • other prices (Contact the school for more information)

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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