Le Rucher du Dje
Our family business consists of keeping bees, harvesting honey and selling bee products and beekeeping equipment.
-> Our beekeeping philosophy :
* We raise our bees with respect for their natural cycle, which is why we put in place various elements such as the choice of the place where our swarms will be raised.
* By planting melliferous plants every year, we try to fill in the gaps in the environment where our apiaries are located.
* During the season, we carry out treatments if necessary to protect the health of our bees, which are attacked by new predators every year.
-> Our internet shop offers you all the products you can find on our farm.
* Jura honeys :
Quality Jura honeys harvested less than 20 kilometres from the farm. Different honeys are on sale depending on the season: Spring, acacia, all-flower, forest, mountain and fir honeys.
* Beehive products:
We also offer hive products made in our processing lab: gingerbread, nougats, sweets, candles and wax for your cosmetics, royal jelly, Propolis.
EN 2025: Beekeeping course - Introduction and practice in beekeeping
Discover the development of colonies throughout the season thanks to practical and theoretical training in our apiary school, in small groups of 10 people. 125,00 € - 225,00 €
- Sweet Shop/Factory
- Bee products