Embark on an immersive adventure to discover the rich heritage and history of the town of Saint-Claude: part treasure hunt, part exploration and discovery, this life-size game is accessible all year round and is designed for children aged 6 to 14 eager for adventure.
This Aventure Jeux® will transport you into a fantastic world inspired by the town's history!
Emblematic places, narrow streets, secret passages... a fun adventure to discover the cultural riches of the capital of the Haut-Jura.
Accompanied by Maala and her best friends Toopo, Kreo and Lokki, be the first to unravel the secret: decipher the signs, meet the challenges and then maybe you'll find the story behind the "Mysterious Red Squares".
This backpack contains games, a legend inspired by the city's atmosphere, an incredible map, maps, mysterious objects and challenges to take up for an amazing finale.
The bag costs €15 (while stocks last) and is available from the following sales outlets:
- Tourist Office
- Tabac-Presse La Tabatière
- Tourist Office
- Tourist Office
- Pets welcome
- Base rate (Informative rate to be checked with the establishment) : 15€