Camp de Cize
Archaeological site

Camp de Cize


The development of this camp corresponds to the decline and dissolution of the one at Chavannes. On 14 July 1944, Charles BLETEL was shot by the Germans in Echallon. He was replaced by Edouard CROISY until the liberation.


In September 1943, emissaries from Romans, Jeanjacquot and Montreal, head of the Groupement SUD, contacted Chalour, where they were received with suspicion, and failed. A few days later, during a new meeting, all suspicion was lifted. The Cize camp and its leader Abel Louveau placed themselves under the authority of Romans.

The men were divided into two sections under the respective responsibility of Jo Bondue and Charles Blétel. "Jo" is a career non-commissioned officer, former head of the Lattre de Tassigny Corps.
They were well supported by Paul Sixdenier, Buffavent, Guillot, Bide, among others.

Edouard Bourret dit BrunA group of about ten refractory and volunteers from the Chatillon sur Chalaronne region (some from the Catania camp) joined the Cize camp in September 1943. They were preceded by Edouard Bourret "Brun", head of the Dombes A.S. sector. His overflowing activity and his lack of prudence made him stand out. Denounced to the police, Second Lieutenant Bourret had to leave his post as sector leader and go underground. Romans charged him with organising a Maquis sub-sector around the Cize camp. He established his headquarters at Chalour, and organised his sector and his team as follows:

WEST sector: Chief Edouard Bourret "Brun", Deputy Charles Blétel "Charles", in charge of relations with the population and the S.A.
Cize Camp: Chief Abel Louveau "Abel", Deputies: Marcel Bide "Marcel", and Marcel Guerrier "Le Gaulois".
Liaison officers: Louis Blétel "Loulou" and Paul Sixdenier "Paulo".
Logistical support:
-Corveissiat: Chief Félix Maire, Deputy Jean Curvat.
-Aromas: Chief Jean Buffavand, Deputy Louis Delorme.
-Chavagna: Chief Auguste Guillot, Deputy René Bernard.
-Chaléa: Victor Brun.
-Villeneuve-les-Charnoz: Louis Brun (son of Victor).
-Cize: Maurice Lamothe for the electric post, Léon
-Demoris for the village and Mme Croisy for the station.
-Racouze : Ernest Salvit with his son Raymond and Marcel Bouvet.

On 23 November 1943, Abel and Brun were the victims of friendly fire during a checkpoint along the river Ain, held by their own maquisards. Abel died on impact, Brun was unhurt. A grave is built next to the camp where Abel is buried. Bide, Marcel, very affected by the death of his companion, cannot carry out his task.

The barracks have replaced the huts made of branches. They were "recovered" from the youth camps.

This camp was behind the coup de main on the Creusot factory on 16 December 1943.

Cize camp - Refractory soldiers

The Chavannes Resistance fighters were in contact with Eugène Faury, a butcher in Thoirette. He knew the region well, through his rounds, he could feel the pulse of his customers. Although he knew Chougeat and Chavannes, he wanted to set up his own camp. He knows that he can count on some people in Cize-Bolzon.

Eugène Faury also knows that weapons have been stored in a house under construction, the Villa Morin. He thinks he can rely on Madame Beaudu who owns a villa in Chalour, on his sister Madame Coignet and on the Blétel family, owners of a farm run by the Gauthier family.

Faury had learned from Pioda de Bourg that Charles Blétel was a member of the F.U.J. (Force Unie de la Jeunesse). One day in June, he brought to Chalour two draft dodgers, Charrière from Ceffia and Lemarquis from Marsonnas, both sons of farmers. He camouflaged them above the cliff, which overlooked the river Ain. They are supplied by their family, through Faury, during his tour. Marcel Guerrier, a friend of Loulou's, joined the camp on 11 August 1943; he had escaped from the train taking him to Germany under the STO.

charles bletelAt the beginning of September, Loulou's brother, Charles, came to Chalour, he wanted to fight. From then on, he devoted himself entirely to this small group, assisted by Marcel Guerrier; Loulou was the liaison.

In September, emissaries from Romans, Jeanjacquot and Montreal, head of the Groupement SUD des Maquis de l'Ain, contacted Chalour, where they were received with suspicion, and failed. A few days later, during a new meeting, all suspicion was lifted. The Cize camp and its leader Abel Louveau placed themselves under the authority of Romans.

Camp de Cize
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