Circuit découverte du coeur historique de Baume les Dames
Historical center

Circuit découverte du coeur historique de Baume les Dames


Discover the historical heart of Baume-les-Dames! We offer you 3 ways to do it:

- Do you have a smartphone? Use it as an audio guide with the application. Download the commentary and it will start at the right moment thanks to the GPS location. Click here:

- Do you prefer paper? Ask for the guide at the Tourist Office! Or download the document at the bottom of the page.

- And what about a guided tour? They are organised on Tuesdays in July and August. Check the dates in our agenda.

Departure from the Tourist Office, Place de la République.
In front of the Tourist Office is a beautiful house with a turret.
At the top of the square, you can see the Saint-Martin church which is open every day.
Opposite the church, next to the pastry shop, the house with a manor-like appearance is the house of the Grenier brothers.
A little further up on the left, a cellar entrance: this is the Affiche Moilkan typography workshop! Push the door open and see how Steve and Elise work!
Opposite, a Belle Époque style house, the Villa Pierson.
Go under the railroad tracks and enter the cemetery: you are facing the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre (closed to the public except during guided tours).
Go back down Rue Barbier and turn right into Grande Rue. Take a look at the pretty Cour Charles Thuriet (at n°9).
Opposite is the house of Monseigneur Besson.
A little further to the left, go into the dead end: here is the Hôtel Particulier des Sires de Neufchâtel now transformed into a museum.
Come back to rue Courvoisier. At the corner, next to the hotel, here is the house of the minister Courvoisier who gave his name to the street.
(Turn left into rue des Lombards and then right into rue Clément. At n°8 you will notice the remains of the ramparts, from the time when the town was fortified)
(At the end of the street turn right. You will see the old Sainte-Croix Hospital)
(Pass in front of the "Salle d'Asile", the ancestor of the kindergartens. Further down you see the former girls' boarding school, which is still a school today)
(The building next to it, which faces the road, was the former washhouse / shower bath. It housed the Tourist Office for nearly 30 years)
Join the rue Faivre d'Esnans. In this street is the artisanal publishing house Æncrages & Co.
Join the Place de la Loi. The imposing building is the Médiathèque Jean Grosjean, formerly a court.
Take the rue Levrault to discover the lower court.
To finish your tour, go to Place de l'Abbaye and discover the old abbey church.

Circuit découverte du coeur historique de Baume les Dames
Place de la République
Circuit découverte du coeur historique de Baume les Dames

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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