Circuit VTT-VTC n°1 (vert) - Le tour des Lacs
Downhill mountain bike track

Circuit VTT-VTC n°1 (vert) - Le tour des Lacs


You go along the Reyssouze, and arrive at the mill of Cézille, acquired by the Syndicat Intercommunal de la Reyssouze, in order to create an eco-museum. Then, you will go around the gravel pits, which are still in activity.
Then you drive between the ponds where the fishermen are kings, before returning to the base.

Circuit VTT-VTC n°1 (vert) - Le tour des Lacs
Base de loisirs La Plaine Tonique
599 route d'Etrez
  • French
  • Pets welcome
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

Circuit VTT-VTC n°1 (vert) - Le tour des Lacs

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