Compagnie Ciconia Théâtre

Compagnie Ciconia Théâtre


L'Atelier du Sud is a space for creativity and total freedom: exhibitions, concerts, meetings, theatre workshops, courses... for everyone.

Compagnie Ciconia Théâtre
54 Rue Bersot
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24.
Closed on : Thursday, Sunday

Open Mondays from 5pm to 10pm, and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 10pm. Closed on Thursday and Sunday

Prices :
  • Base rate (15 membership fee ) : 25€ - 280€
  • Free (for the café part of the venue)
Compagnie Ciconia Théâtre
Compagnie Ciconia Théâtre

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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