Côte de Moini ~ Le Sentier des Chèvres
Natural Site

Côte de Moini ~ Le Sentier des Chèvres


Discover the characteristic fauna and flora of the lawns. Your senses will be awakened and you will hear the song of crickets, admire the flight of butterflies or the flight of a green lizard. Information panels and riddles will allow you to discover the site in a fun way.

Stages :

1st stage: Goat farm
2nd stage: ENS crest path
3rd stage : "Magic tree" area
4th stage : Return to the undergrowth
5th step : Moini lookout
6th step : Return to the sheepfold

Côte de Moini ~ Le Sentier des Chèvres
  • Parking
Chains and Labels
Espace Naturel Sensible

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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