Ecurie d'Oleiro
Horse riding

Ecurie d'Oleiro


Owner's stable - Competition - Equestrian center - Horse trade - Breeding

Several pension formulas adaptable according to your horses (box, box/paddock, meadow, work, retirement, deposit sale, breaking-in, valorization...)

Accessible to people who are not owners, with horses/ponies available for lessons and the possibility of competitions.

Lessons provided by a qualified instructor.

Outings to club/pony/amateur competitions and young horses.

Quarry of 40*60 sand fontainebleau

Numerous meadows/paddocks

Saddlery, grooming area with shower

13 owner's boxes

Stable in a family setting, good atmosphere assured.

Ecurie d'Oleiro
508 Chemin de la Potière
  • French
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

Ecurie d'Oleiro

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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