Epicerie des consom'acteurs
I am Anne-Sophie, happy manager of the Consom'Acteurs grocery shop in Pont-de-Poitte in the Jura, since July 2020!
I was first a social worker for several years. Then I wanted to find a job that respected my values and ethics even more, i.e. a job that respects the rhythms and needs of everyone. I chose to become an equestrian. He is a professional in equine mediation. The equicie "is the bet that through the establishment of a relationship with the equine, the person develops skills that help him to blossom and live in harmony with his environment.
In parallel to this job, I wanted to get involved in environmental protection in a concrete, sustainable and rapid way.
This is why I created this grocery shop. From my point of view, consuming as much as possible locally, exclusively organic and as much as possible in BULK seemed to me to be an essential and urgent lever for the protection of biodiversity and therefore of humans.
The name of my grocery shop Consom'Acteurs appeared to me as obvious: the way we consume must make us aware of our role and our importance in the current consumerism. Consuming is now a political act, where everyone has the possibility to consume in a responsible, ethical and fair way.
This grocery shop is not irreproachable, but I do my utmost to ensure that it respects ecological and human coherence.