Etang de But, ENS de l'Ain
Natural Site

Etang de But, ENS de l'Ain


This artificial pond is remarkable for the species of fauna and flora present. Set in a forest setting and sometimes covered with a carpet of white water lilies, it offers varied landscapes according to the season

Main issues of the site

Fauna: presence of the dragonfly Leucorrhine à gros thorax, the yellow-bellied toad, the crested newt, the Little Bittern, the Black-crowned Night-Heron.

Flora: Royal fern, water scorpion, Bohemian sedge, etc.
The woodlands near the pond have, in addition to their landscape value, a role in the proper ecological functioning of the pond. Good management of these woodlands is essential.
The main threats are the risk of the pond filling up and the invasion of invasive species.

To discover the site...
There is an information panel at the thou (draining system), to the west of the pond. The site is rather accessible to pedestrians

The pond of But was labelled ENS or sensitive natural space by the Department of Ain in 2015. True natural and landscape jewels of the Department of Ain, these sites benefiting from the ENS label are on the one hand preserved thanks to local management and on the other hand made accessible to the greatest number of people when the fragility of the site allows it.

Etang de But, ENS de l'Ain
  • French
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

Etang de But, ENS de l'Ain

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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