Gabor et les chapeaux rouillés

Gabor et les chapeaux rouillés


It is she who must enable him to rediscover Humanity. With the help of his (imaginary?) friends, the rusty hats, he pursues his mission in song, on a fairytale journey where the audience is first smuggled in. But until when? With stars in our eyes and dreams in our heads, we're bound to find ourselves... Awed and amazed! An innovative family show Set in a steampunk décor of salvaged and misappropriated objects, with the addition of special effects using new technologies, Gabor performs alone on stage. Well, almost alone, since he is accompanied by 3 virtual musicians from his imagination, who interact with him.

Gabor et les chapeaux rouillés
422 avenue Hoff
01300 BELLEY
Prices & Schedules

  • Base rate : 20€
  • Reduced rate : 17.5€
  • Child rate : 8€

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