The Grande traversée du Jura on snowshoes - GTJ raquette

The Grande traversée du Jura on snowshoes - GTJ raquette


The GTJ snowshoeing is one of the 7 routes of the Grandes Traversées du Jura network. It is a 150 km marked winter route to be done on snowshoes between Métabief, in the Doubs, and Giron, in the Ain. In the heart of the Haut-Jura Regional Nature Park, this emblematic itinerary invites lovers of the Great North to experience an epic journey in the footsteps of the greatest trappers in a total immersion in the Jura Mountains.

Departure MÉTABIEF
Arrival GIRON
  • 10
  • 3100 m
  • 120 Km
For more informations The Grande traversée du Jura on snowshoes - GTJ raquette

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