The brewers' route
Motorbike, Road

The brewers' route


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Exploring the breweries and tasting the creations of passionate brewers... Meeting the men and women who brew and produce their own beer in the Jura.

Morning: Two possible departures, from Dole or from Bletterans. From Dole, you will start by visiting the Brasserie Doloise located on the Mont Roland (towards Dijon). From Bletterans, you will start by visiting the Rouget de Lisle brewery.
You will then follow the Jura wine route to Poligny, an old fortified town with an exceptional historical heritage. To reach Poligny, you will pass through small authentic villages. Once you arrive in Poligny, you will understand why the Jura town is also renowned and known worldwide as the Capital of Comté. The number of cheese dairies, creameries and shops dedicated to the famous cheese that you will find there is proof of this! Your lunch break is free in one of the many restaurants in town or for a picnic.
Afternoon: In Poligny, you will visit the brewery Les Babouins Jurassiens The Baboon. You can also consider a visit to the Maison du Comté. You will then take the direction of Orgelet. From Poligny (D4), you will pass through the first village, Plasne, with its cooperative cheese dairy; this is the ideal place if you want to buy Comté cheese. Before the village of Crançot, you will have the possibility to go down a small road (D70) which will lead you to the village classified "Plus Beaux Village de France" Baume-les-Messieurs. You can stroll through its charming little streets or relax near the Tufs waterfall. In Crançot, don't hesitate to stop at the belvedere located at the exit of the village, you will be able to appreciate an unobstructed view of the whole Reculée de Baume-les-Messieurs (geological formation, typically Jurassic). Once in Orgelet, you will visit the Origine du Monde brewery. If you still have some time left, you are only a few kilometres from the Vouglans lake. Do not hesitate to go to one of its supervised beaches or to one of its small creeks...

Departure DOLE
  • 1
  • 72 Km

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