Le Creux du Croue
Natural Site

Le Creux du Croue


The Creux du Croue is a geological curiosity located at 1370m, in Switzerland (so always have your ID on you), on the Noirmont massif. It is one of the only real combes in the Haut-Jura that has the particularity of being closed.

Geography & Environment :
Even though there are many places named combes, they are in fact only synclines (hollows of a fold). The real combe is in fact the fold itself whose top has been hollowed out. The Creux du Croue was originally a "normal" mountain, but the runoff of the water flowing towards the lake has dug it out little by little until its summit disappeared. At the bottom of this secret valley, you can see a shepherd's hut whose solitude has nothing to envy to the Appalachians, the Tyrol and other lands of legends. This country is green and yet its cracked ground hardly retains water. You will also be able to observe circular dry stone constructions. These enclosures, which look like the remains of archaeological sites, are used to protect the wells where the cattle come to drink in the pastures.
"Creux du Croue" is a redundancy between a French word and a patois word. It is translated as "the hollow of the hollow".

Two marked walking routes are available to discover this viewpoint. You can buy the route cards at the Tourist Office or download them:
Hiking form n°18 (7 km) : http://www.openrunner.com/index.php?id=2054628
Hiking form n° 23 (14,5 km) : http://www.openrunner.com/index.php?id=2056111

Le Creux du Croue

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