Le Havre de Galahia
Riding centre

Le Havre de Galahia


What is equicie?
Equicie is a practice of equine mediation, it aims to accompany any person towards their full development. This accompaniment is carried out by an equine technician, a professional of the relationship of help with the horse and is intended for all people in a situation of fragility or handicap (whether it is motor, sensory, mental, social...) or of polyhandicap. The equestrian puts the person and the horse in relation and follows the methodology of the social action project.

Why the horse ?
The horse allows the sharing of authentic moments. Equine mediation is different from other mediations by the fact that the horse has its own states and its own history. It leads the person to a better understanding of the world around him and also of his relationship with the other.

A being of the moment
The horse is a unique being who lives the present moment intensely, its natural anchorage can accompany a human being to find his own. The behaviors of equines, their breathing, the smells they give off, but especially the rhythm of their steps lead humans to the present moment and help them become aware of their own bodies in space and time.

A mythical being
The horse has shared the road with man for centuries. The collective imagination is filled with legends and stories related to horses. From domestication to today, the horse is represented in the minds of men. It can be a symbol of freedom, strength and can bring back each one to memories of children or adults...

A carrier being
In Europe, the horse is the only animal on which humans can rise from the ground and be carried. Riding a horse mobilizes an incredible amount of muscles of the body passively, it can for example allow a motor rehabilitation on horseback.

Difference makes unique
Possessing its own mode of communication and social codes, the horse is devoid of judgment towards the beings it meets, it does not categorize those who are different from it.

Originally from the Ain, land of horses, I grew up alongside these majestic beings. At the beginning it was only through the car windows or seen during family rides... At the age of 6, after a trip to the Camargue, my parents gave me the opportunity to take riding lessons in an equestrian center. A few years later I realized that the approach to horses and the teaching that was offered to me did not correspond to me. My parents offered me my first pony Praline, at the age of 14. I then became by her side what I call "an equestrian stray". In a self-taught way, I climb on her back bareback and without harness and we ride many kilometers together. My meeting and growing up with this mare made my professional project emerge and naturally led me to the European School of Equestrians in Lorraine. At the end of my economic and social baccalaureate, choosing the initial training of equestrian was an obvious choice because it is perfectly aligned with my vocation: to make the link between the Man and the Horse.

Le Havre de Galahia
Le Havre de Galahia
Lieu dit Vacon
01370 BENY
  • French
  • Pets welcome
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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