Les ateliers Val'Muse

Les ateliers Val'Muse



For the youngest:

Musical awakening for the little ones
Constance Boerner offers parent-child workshops. It is about promoting a parent-child exchange through music, giving parents "tools" for musical awakening to return to their families, creating a moment of musical, playful and artistic sharing with other children and other parents.
For children from 6 months to 3 years old

Clown Theatre
Moderated by Sophie Haudebourg
Between acting exercises and improvisation games we will explore the world of the clown.
For children from 7 to 13 years old

For the more advanced:

Jazz Ensemble
Bimonthly course supervised by Fédia AMICE and Ismaël BOERNER, jazz musicians and teachers in Val'Muse.
This ensemble course allows you to put yourself in a situation of play with other musicians, an essential step to understand jazz and progress.

"Ants in Hands" Project
The Compagnie Des Fourmis Dans les Mains is in residence in Bugey Sud for the year 2018-2019.
With the support of your Val'Muse teachers, participate in the workshops to prepare for a major concert on the Integral stage in Belley in May 2019 alongside the Septet "Des Fourmis dans les Mains".
For whom? For whom? For you, amateurs, registered in Val'muse's workshops
How? How? Through joint rehearsals coordinated by Ophélie Decle in March-April to learn the repertoire selected for you by Corentin Quemener, drummer and arranger of the group (preparation beforehand with Val'muse's teachers).
Also musical comedy workshops: this thematic year "Chicago"

For all:

This FREE monthly course is offered by Fédia AMICE and deals with an essential aspect of music: rhythm.
Learning is exclusively oral and by imitation, repetition, impregnation. Many exercises will be based on polyrhythmics, in various measures and at different times.

Theatrical practice
Moderated by Robert Llorca
Learn to place yourself, to move in relation to a space, an object, a light, a text. To look at it, to make a gesture. Learn to read and then say a word, a sentence, a text alone or with others. The workshop is based on the practice of basic theatrical techniques. It is intended for anyone from 18 years of age who wishes to discover and practice theatre.

For the year 2022-23, registration will take place :

. Tuesday 6 September from 4pm to 7pm
. Wednesday 7 September from 9.30am to 12pm
in the association room, Maison de Pays de Champagne en Valromey

. Saturday 10 September from 10am to 4pm
during the Forum of associations
at the function room in Champagne

Les ateliers Val'Muse
Maison de Pays
Place Brillat Savarin
  • French
Prices & Schedules Opening :

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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