Les Chaprais, le charme du XIXe siècle

Les Chaprais, le charme du XIXe siècle


Discover the charm of this 19th century district with its houses decorated with colourful ceramics, the old Mouillère thermal complex and the Place Flore

Starting in the 1850s, urbanization spread out of the loop, to the northeast, in the Chaprais sector
This former market-gardening hamlet gradually became a dynamic district popular with the bourgeoisie and industrialists
RDV 15h Station Vélocité n°6, 1 avenue Édouard Droz
Rates: 7€ -5€ for students, under 18, members of the Tourist Office (on presentation of card), disabled persons, members of the Tourist Office. Free for under-12s and jobseekers."
Reservation and ticketing on the website

Les Chaprais, le charme du XIXe siècle
1 avenue Édouard Droz
Station Vélocité n°6

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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