O Bonheur des Bulles
Beauty & Wellbeing

O Bonheur des Bulles


Wellness centre in Houtaud
Well-being for pregnant women, babies, children, parents & women...

Why not come and relax with your baby? At Houtaud, in the Doubs region, it's now possible!

O BONHEUR DES BULLES has been designed and created to take care of pregnant women, newborns, babies, children and parents, with the benefits of water (hydrotherapy/balneotherapy) and massage, all in a friendly, caring and gentle atmosphere....
It's a cocoon, a gentle bubble created for the whole family.

O Bonheur des Bulles
4 Rue des Iris
  • French
  • American Express, Credit card, Cheques and postal orders, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Bank transfers
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 31/07/23 to 31/07/24 of 09:00 to 18:00

O Bonheur des Bulles
O Bonheur des Bulles

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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