Poype de Miroton
Archaeological site

Poype de Miroton


Poypes were built around the year 1000 by wealthy people for defensive purposes. They chose a high place. Today, seven bell towers can be seen from the site (Domsure, Beaupont, Cormoz, Condal, Saint Amour, Coligny and Saint Jean d'Etreux).

They planted four stakes, took the earth around them which became a ditch, then heaped it against the stakes. Finally, they built a wooden fort at the top of the mound, with the piles serving as a foundation. On either side of the ditch was a wooden palisade. A retractable footbridge would either allow passage or block the crossing in case of an attack. Outside, there was the bailey, consisting of a few houses and farms. It was also protected on the periphery by a palisade and a ditch.

Around the poype, the ground was kept clear so that any attackers could be seen from a distance. Everything was done to delay and observe them.

In 1637, during the invasion of Saint Amour by Richelieu's troops, the inhabitants of Villeneuve went to defend them. Then the enemies came to take their revenge and burned almost all the houses in Villeneuve, as well as the small fort, which was never rebuilt...

Poype de Miroton
Impasse de Miroton
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