Go back in time with the 'Origine Jura' tour
Motorbike, Road

Go back in time with the "Origine Jura" tour


You will enjoy...
visiting the company which retraces the history of the pipe, discovering two craftsmen, one of them being Meilleur Ouvrier de France in eyewear and the second being one of the last horn turners in the world. Exceptional know-how!

Morning: In Morbiez, discover the workshop of Hervé Barbarin, Meilleur Ouvrier de France lunetiers. One day, a customer asks his employer for a prototype. It was Hervé Barbarin who took care of it! This is how he became specialised in the field. During a meeting with Jacques Aubert, Meilleur Ouvrier de France, at a conference, the latter suggested that he take the competition in 2000 which would make him a MOF. Since 2005, he has set up his own micro-enterprise. He makes custom-made frames in metal and acetate. He works with national and international opticians. Lunch break in Saint-Claude. You have the opportunity to visit this town, which is emblematic of the industrial boom of the 1900s. You will be able to find a restaurant or a small brasserie where you can rest.
Afternoon: Discover exceptional know-how. Since 2013, the Chapuis-Comoy & Cie workshops, better known under the Chacom brand, have been awarded the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) label, a government distinction that rewards companies with exceptional know-how. Take the road again towards the turning museum where you will discover a family speciality that has been handed down for three generations. This horn craft workshop was created in 1934 and since 1960 it has also been a museum classified as a Living Heritage Company. Then go and meet Michel Muyard, horn turner, in Jeurre. Master craftsman "Grand prix départemental des métiers d'arts en 2002". Since 1938, three generations of craftsmen have succeeded each other in Michel Muyard's workshop.

Departure MORBIER
Arrival JEURRE
  • 1
  • 53 Km
For more informations Go back in time with the "Origine Jura" tour

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