Village de Briord
Remarkable civil building

Village de Briord


In Gallo-Roman times, Briord was an important town on the route that followed the river from Lyon to the Alps.
The Briord archaeological museum contains some of its remains.

The Briarettes aqueduct, classified as a Historic Monument since 1904, is the most remarkable ancient structure in Briord. It is an unusual experience to cross the almost 400 m of underground galleries still in existence by torchlight. Don't forget to wear boots!

Typical Briord houses and farms have been preserved in the village and in the hamlets. Some of the houses along the harbour have a special character. The village of Briord also has a river port with about 30 moorings.

Village de Briord
01470 BRIORD
  • Pets welcome
  • Picnic area
  • Bar
  • Parking
  • Petite restauration
Prices & Schedules Opening :

From 01/01/24 to 31/12/24

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