Visite guidée : entre ponts

Visite guidée : entre ponts


The tour, which will take you from the Pont de la République to the Pont Canot, will evoke the different ways of life not far from the river, the slow maturation of certain places, such as the Place du Huit-Septembre in the heart of the town, and the many sculpted decorations that line the route.

Visite guidée : entre ponts
27 rue de la République
cour de la médiathèque Pierre Bayle
  • French
Prices & Schedules Opening :

The 26/09/24

The 23/10/24

10 a.m.: Wednesday 15 May, Tuesday 11 June, Wednesday 28 August, Thursday 26 September, Wednesday 23 October

Prices :
  • Base rate : 8€
  • Special rate (Reduced rate: Students, under-18s, member associations of the Tourist Office and Convention Bureau) : 6€
  • Free (Free: for disabled people, jobseekers and children under 12.)
Special opening conditions :

Reservation required

Visite guidée : entre ponts

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