Chapelle de Vaux-Navier
Religious heritage

Chapelle de Vaux-Navier


Today, Jaunotte goes to discover the chapel of Vaux-Navier (1883), its oratory and the legend of Vaux-Navier (Arc-sous Cicon).

Not far from Arc-sous-Cicon, modestly hidden by a few foyards and spruces, is a small chapel whose construction has been forgotten for many years...

The place is called Vaux-Navier. It was once the favourite place of the little shepherds who used to meet here, not in front of this chapel, but at the foot of a rock in the shape of a cave in which there was a wooden virgin, protected by a wrought iron gate.

That day, conversations were going well, and one of the children began to talk about the nearby Virgin and her miracles, citing specific facts, granted wishes, and avoided epidemics.
After this stormy discussion, one of them, who did not believe in miracles, said, approaching the Virgin: "Let's see!", and taking in his hand a stump of bread, he approached the mouth of the Virgin saying: "Tian, meuge-en voir st peux" (Here, eat some if you can). Seeing the immobility of the statue, he straightened up triumphantly and said: "You see, the can't eat the bread" (You see, she can't eat the bread). This sent a chill down the spine of the shepherds who believed in the miracles of this good virgin, while the others stood up proudly, aware of their superiority.

A heavy silence reigned over the little community. Each one chewed his meagre meal, his eyes riveted to the ground. This moment of unease ended when some horses managed to escape from the herd. Panic-stricken and panicked, the shepherds rushed to catch them, and it is while approaching them that one of the shepherds received a violent kick to the jaw, making him fall a few meters away..
Everyone immediately recognized our shepherd, disfigured with pain. At that moment, a mocking whinny made a great impression on this small world which saw it as the punishment inflicted by the Virgin.

Of course, the story quickly made the rounds of the region, and people wanted to bring the statue back to the church of Arc-sous-Cicon... but each time, it returned to its stone cavity. Some would say that it preferred to listen to the eccentric conversations of the little shepherds rather than the heavenly prayers of the nuns....

It was then that it was decided to build a chapel for her, which was destroyed during the revolution. It was rebuilt in 1883 by Abbot Perruche thanks to the subscriptions of the people of Arc. Some people claim that the old Virgin of Vaux-Navier is still in the church of Arc, or that it has been repainted.

Sources : P.Dieudé and Frédéric DELGRANDI

Chapelle de Vaux-Navier

Brochures edited by Montagnes du Jura

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