"From its origin, the church of the Sacred Heart had a general character. It was, at the same time as a parish church, a votive monument, a "basilica" which would be erected to the glory of the Heart of Jesus in the town, the cradle and centre of the Guard of Honour, and which would subsequently lend itself to the solemn events relating to the latter. These few lines by Canon Rynois immediately plunge us into the initial desire of Mgr Pierre Soubiranne, the new bishop of Belley in 1880, to build a new church in Bourg-en-Bresse in the Bel-Air district, which was to develop, and which would be both a parish church and a diocesan monument to the Sacred Heart, as well as the seat of the Archconfraternity of the Honorary Guard of the Sacred Heart. Built with perseverance despite numerous difficulties, the church was built from 1911 to 1953.
Guided tours every 1st Saturday of the month at 3pm (RDV on the Basilica square).