Vestiges archéologiques de l’ancienne Abbaye de Saint-Claude.
Religious heritage

Vestiges archéologiques de l’ancienne Abbaye de Saint-Claude.


Discover the archaeological remains of the former Abbey of Saint-Claude.

The basement of the museum is home to a unique archaeological site: the largest, and only, remains of the Abbey of Saint-Claude known to date. Founded in the 5th century, it is one of the oldest abbeys in France.

🧐 This exceptional site features a unique covered gallery known as the grand cloister (11th century), the Notre-Dame-des-Morts chapel and its vestibule (12th century), the Claude Venet chapel and its 15th-century wall paintings... A surprising immersion into the heart of the remains of Saint-Claude's history!

ℹ️ You can visit the remains of the abbey during the museum's opening hours, with a museum admission ticket.

Vestiges archéologiques de l’ancienne Abbaye de Saint-Claude.
Musée de l'Abbaye
3 Place de l'Abbaye
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