An exhibition of local arts and crafts which is renewed every quarter and presents the works of more than twenty creators. Installed in the Vert Clair, a cultural café, you can also (but are not obliged to) drink a tea or a syrup or participate in workshops. Free entrance!
- French, German, English
- Cheques and postal orders, Cash
- Parking
- Toilets
- Shop
- Wireless service
- Specific theme activities
- Adult workshop
- Junior workshop
- Conferences
- Temporary exhibitions
- artist /painter
- graphic arts
- floral arts
- other sculptures
- jewellery
- ceramics
- art enamel
- dried flowers
- metal
- modelware/drawing/plan
- mosaïcs
- decoration objects
- paper
- paint
- pottery
- dolls
- catering
- metal sculpture
- paintings
- earth
- textiles
- vegetable matter