The plots are 2.5 ha in total, they are grassed, worked and harvested by hand.
The grass is mowed from spring to harvest, then the sheep take over to maintain the rows and naturally fertilize the vines with their droppings. Our sheep are of the Thones, Martod and Soay breeds. We are currently replanting some plots and we have been able to start working the soil with our mare, Eline of Auxois breed.
The vines are treated only with sulphur, copper and with nettle, horsetail and comfrey purin. The grapes are harvested by hand, and the grapes are picked in crates. We carry out all the operations of wine making (pressing, maturing in vats or in oak barrels and bottling by hand). We like healthy and natural products, so it is logical that our wines are the same.
Natural wines, sparkling wines, sparkling grape juice
Biodynamic wine - Nature and progress mention.
- French, English
- Cheques and postal orders, Cash