Guided tours
Visit - Historic absinthe distillery - Les Fils d'Emile Pernot LA CLUSE-ET-MIJOUXEvents calendar
The Torrent of the World FLAGEY Exhibition
Mémoires Intimes #2 BOURG-EN-BRESSE Sport and leisure
Café de l'Arche DOLE Exhibition
Exposition "Les gendarmes Résistants dans l'Ain" AMBERIEU-EN-BUGEY Sport and leisure
Bain de forêt (Shinrin yoku) LE FRASNOIS Exhibition
123 Nature exhibition: Ants under the magnifying glass VANDONCOURT Exhibition
Exhibition - Benoît MAZZER by the Musée du Peigne OYONNAX Course / Workshop
Creative workshop CHAMPAGNOLE Course / Workshop
Atelier art créatif LELEX Exhibition
Surprising catastrophe BESANCON Exhibition
Exhibition / Gérald Kurdian, X! A fantastic opera BESANCON Exhibition
Exhibition by Pierre Genot LONS-LE-SAUNIER Guided tours
Visite du musée de la mécanographie BOURG-EN-BRESSE Exhibition, Guided tours
Guided tour: Palente and LIP, the changes in a district BESANCON Guided tours
Visit to Gigny Abbey GIGNY Exhibition
Exposition Fragments - Et si c'était vous ? DIVONNE-LES-BAINS Guided tours
Visites craquantes au Musée du Peigne et de la Plasturgie OYONNAX Exhibition
43rd Art Show SELONCOURT Commercial event
Marché de Virieu-le-Grand VIRIEU-LE-GRAND Commercial event
Rendez-vous des Saveurs Bio & des Savoir-faire - Marché bio de Dole DOLE Guided tours
Visit - Historic absinthe distillery - Les Fils d'Emile Pernot LA CLUSE-ET-MIJOUX Course / Workshop
Blabla-thé OYONNAX Commercial event
Militant, organic, zero-mileage grocery store HUANNE-MONTMARTIN Kids, Festivals
Milking goats LAVANS-VUILLAFANS Course / Workshop
Ça bouge à l'Echappée Belle GRILLY Commercial event
Farmers' market in Maynal every Friday MAYNAL Kids, Guided tours
Farm visit LE LATET Course / Workshop
Palaeography course MONTMOROT Guided tours
Dans les coulisses d'un escape game, échappez-vous ! BOURG-EN-BRESSE Exhibition, Commercial event
La Garde Collection - Boutique BOURG-EN-BRESSE Course / Workshop
Les soirées du QG ORNEX Course / Workshop
Atelier numérique spécial médiathèque NANTUA Course / Workshop
Café polyglotte FERNEY-VOLTAIRE Music
Jeudi Oui! JAM Session BELLEY Professional
Cycle of conferences PONTARLIER