Table tactile du Musée Ledoux à la Saline royale
In the Claude Nicolas Ledoux Museum, a multilingual touch screen will be dedicated to the architect's projected and constructed work, popularised through three sections:
- In a scientific section, the device will present in digital format the entire treatise L'architecture considérée sous le rapport de l'art, des mœurs et de la législation by Claude Nicolas Ledoux, considered to be the most famous and most enigmatic work of all modern European architecture. The international researchers of the Labex laboratory of excellence "the past in the present" of the University of Paris Nanterre, have joined forces with the Royal Saltworks and the Library of Decorative Arts in Paris to show and decipher this great work through the prism of several scientific disciplines.
- Architecture enthusiasts will be able to delve into the work of Claude Nicolas thanks to extensive and commented notes; they will be able to discover certain buildings modelled in 3D by the company Iconem, winner with the Saline Royale of the SNI prize (innovative digital services) awarded by the Ministry of Culture.
- A discovery trail will also allow visitors to explore the different facets of Claude Nicolas Ledoux, architect but also town planner, philosopher and writer: a man above all in love with the spirit of the Europe of the Enlightenment.
- French, German, English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian
- Credit card, Payment cards, Cheques and postal orders, Holiday vouchers, Cash, Eurocard - Mastercard, Visa
- Pets welcome
- Picnic area
- Parking
- Petite restauration
- Toilettes
- Shop
- Wireless service
- Specific theme activities
- Adult workshop
- Junior workshop
- Temporary exhibitions

01/04 to 30/06, open 7/7 from 9am to 6pm
01/07 to 31/08, open 7 days a week from 9am to 7pm
01/09 to 31/10, open 7 days a week from 9am to 6pm
01/11 to 31/03, open 7 days a week from 10am to 5pm
Closed on 25/12 and 01/01
01/04 to 30/06, open 7/7 from 9am to 6pm
01/07 to 31/08, open 7 days a week from 9am to 7pm
01/09 to 31/10, open 7 days a week from 9am to 6pm
01/11 to 31/03, open 7 days a week from 10am to 5pm
Closed on 25/12 and 01/01