Tourist on bicycle
The Bresse Jurassienne Way TAVAUX42 Km

28.5 Km

Tourist on bicycle
The Bresse Way LONS-LE-SAUNIER18 Km

Tourist on bicycle
The PLM Perrigny - Chatillon line PERRIGNY38 Km

Tourist on bicycle
The saltworks route RANCHOT6130 Km

Foot, Mountain biking
Mountain biking - The Jura Zed in 6 days SAINT-LAURENT-EN-GRANDVAUX6.5 Km

Mountain biking
La Combe Romanet NANCHEZ29.9 Km

Tourist on bicycle
Loop 16: Tour of the lake of Coiselet THOIRETTE-COISIA22.7 Km

Tourist on bicycle
Loop 14: The Tour of Etival LES CROZETS2192 Km

Mountain biking
Grand Tour VTT de Besançon BESANCON6.8 Km

Tourist on bicycle
Tour of the Abbey lake by bike GRANDE-RIVIERE CHATEAU
Tourist on bicycle, Mountain biking
VTC and VTT links between the villages of Grandvaux2h36 Km

Tourist on bicycle
Cycling loop 14 Mandeure/Montbéliard MANDEURE3h27 Km

Mountain biking
Mountain bike route no. 70 BAUME-LES-DAMES3h3034 Km

Mountain biking
Mountain bike route no. 69 BAUME-LES-DAMES2h0012 Km

Mountain biking
MTB route no. 105 - La Côte de Vaîte CHAMPLIVE