The absinthe road

The Absinthe Road reveals all about the iconic beverage from the Jura Mountains. Some great places along this Franco-Swiss road unveil the production secrets and history of absinthe, the spirit with - it has to be said - an eventful past. After starting out as a favourite aperitif in the 19th century, it was banned and distilled illicitly during the 20th. At last reinstated, it is once again an authorised beverage, both in Pontarlier, the absinthe capital, and beyond.
The absinthe road
By car, follow this road to find out all there is to know about absinthe, the drink with the most scandalous of reputations.
You'll enjoy a lovely 48km drive between France and Switzerland amid a green mountain landscape with a whole variety of beautiful places to stop!
Between plantations, drying barns, museums, distilleries and shops, there are nearly 80 places to stop and chat with the artisans between Pontarlier and Noiraigue (in Switzerland), to learn about absinthe, tasting as you go.
toutes les infos pratiquesDistilleries
Previously banned, absinthe is now back in the region's distilleries after a review of the recipe which has been adjusted. Pontarlier, the town nicknamed the "absinthe capital" is the obvious place to go for a tour and tasting (with moderation!) at one of the many distilleries.
Collectors take note
In French, "artémisophilie" (or "absinthiophilie") is the art of collecting absinthe-related objects.
It must be said that the green fairy makes it worthwhile! The ritual of preparing it requires accessories such as fountains, slotted spoons and special glasses... There are plenty of beautiful items for collectors, not forgetting the wonderful posters and advertising material used throughout the 19th century. So, passionate absinthiophiles and novices, keep your eyes peeled, as the absinthe road has some wonderful surprises in store!
Gems to discover in the vicinity: castle, lake, museum ...
On the absinthe road, besides the multiple sites devoted to this drink, you'll discover plenty of other sights and activities to ensure you enjoy your holiday to the full in the Jura Mountains.
Absinthe and other tasty delights
The Jura Mountains are an unspoilt and fertile land where the local produce is truly outstanding. Absinthe, cheese, salted meats and many more delights!